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Showing posts from August, 2020

Does endurance training declines testosterone responses?

As we all know that endurance training has the most advantageous benefits in our body. When it comes to hormonal responses in association with endurance training, there is a misconception in training principles among many people. Here I want to remind the quote from Oscar Wilde " Everything In Moderation, Including Moderation" . Endurance training is not an exemption from this quote. The study reveals, Endurance training in men affects pituitary-gonadal function including testosterone and prolactin concentrations. Findings among 86 male runners ( with a running range of 56-64 km per week) and 18 non-runners. It shows the runners had depressed testosterone levels in comparison with non-runners. The mechanism is still unclear but may be related to  dysfunction within the 'hypothalamic-pituitary testicular regulatory axis'.  Potentially lowered testosterone levels could disrupt reproductive and androgenic processes with the male. Endurance training at a particular absolu...

Can resistance training increases muscle oxidative capacity and capillary number?

 As written in the previous articles, Endurance training increases oxidative capacity (Increases in mitochondrial number) and the antioxidant capacity in the exercised muscle fibers. Endurance training also promotes the formation of new capillaries and therefore increases in muscle capillarization and exchange of gases. But we have got a question from one of my colleague Does resistance training also promotes these changes in the trained muscle? To answer this question is "Unclear", while some studies shows 'resistance training reduces mitochondrial content in the muscle', whereas some other studies shows 'no change in muscle oxidative capacity' and still other investigation conclude that 'resistance training can promote small increases in muscle oxidative capacity'. And all these findings are similar for capillarization also. what is the explanation for these divergent results? we can say numerous factors for these findings which includes frequency of...

Antioxidants - A short discussion

  Now a days we can see the term 'Antioxidants'   in many food product advertisements in which they are showing that their product has rich antioxidants. well! it is a good sign that products can be advertised by their nutrients and its evidence based benefits and it shows people are more aware on what they are eating and what's on their plate! Alright! Firstly antioxidants are a non-nutrient and its doesn't provides energy to our body. Its a compound that protect us against potentially harmful effects of reactions that can cause excessive oxidation (release of oxygen molecule in the production of energy) what are the harmful substances and reactions that can cause excessive oxidation? well! 'Free radicals' its a chemical can cause damage to the cells, proteins, DNA, RNA. overall it can damage tissues which leads to a lot of chronic medical conditions. Now you may have a question,  How do these free radicals are formed? As we all know, release of oxygen provide...

High Altitude Training - Principles and concepts to know

 Being a sea-level residents, we may have done high altitude activity at least once in a life time, whether it is a well structured protocol or just guided hiking. Every time we do activity in high altitude it is always tougher for us than in sea-level. If you have questions on why it is difficult to do activities in high altitude than sea-level? Then this post is for you. There is no doubt we have tons of training related questions at high altitude. Here i come up with few questions with an appropriate concepts and principles. Here we go. 1. Why performances are actually expected to be better because they were conducted at high altitude? Basically, It all starts from the change in atmospheric (or) barometric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is a measure of the weight of the column of air directly over the any spot on the earth. At sea level weight of the column is greatest.  "As one climb higher and higher then the weight column is reduced. Consequently atmospheric pressure is ...

Most common questions in an endurance training - A sensible approach

If you are a health and fitness professional, No doubt, you will get a ton of training related questions, I am going to share few information on frequently asked questions by my clients about an endurance training (Aerobic Training). Of course there is a lot of questions around the globe. Here i came up with the three questions. 1. How does an exercise training improve volume of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) ?  To answer this question. I have to remind fick's equation to you all.  VO2max = (Maximal cardiac Output * Maximal arteriovenous oxygen difference) or in simple term  Maximal oxygen uptake = (Systemic Blood Flow * Systemic O2 extraction) From the fick's equation , you can see VO2max is directly affected by it product (see above equation). The maximal oxygen uptake increases due to increase in cardiac output or arteriovenous oxygen difference or both . Cardiac output is the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle per minute and cardiac output is the product...

Soy protein-An overview on testosterone levels and osteoporosis

Hopefully we all came across a ton of questions and talks on soy protein and its effects whether it is good or bad ?. Though it good, what is the recommended allowances per day? is it good for postmenopausal women? why it is not good for men to consume soy protein? and so on... Actually coming up with right answer is difficult as everyone's physiology is unique and the right answer depends on who the asker is! In spite of all, Today i came up with two concepts which are related to soy protein and its effects with possible mechanisms. Post menopausal women are at risk for health problems related to estrogen deficiency such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis etc. Research has shown that  adding soy protein and isoflvones (Its a polyphenolic compound that posses both estrogen agonist and antagonist receptor (or) It is known to be estrogen analogues and bind to estrogen receptors) in the eating plan can, Increase high density lipoprotein levels ,  Increases mononuclear cell...